We are so certain the HRCP Program will prepare you to pass your certification exam, we’ll give you your money back if you don’t.
Certification sets you apart as a true professional and can help you advance in your career.
We have helped more than 100,000 people successfully prepare for their HR certification exams. We can help you, too!
By obtaining a certification in human resources, you demonstrate that you have the knowledge and skills that are vital to human resource management.
See what our customers are saying
HRCP test prep are best on the market! I passed the SPHR after finding your books to be relevant & comprehensive! These are truly amazing resources!
- Robert B.
I just took SPHR today and passed!! Your study material was proven that it is in compliance with the updated SPHR contents. Your site was easy to navigate. I definitely recommend your program to my colleagues!!
- Minako K.
Thanks for providing great study materials. The books are great, the flashcards were a huge help. I passed my SPHR exam last week!
- Lauren L.
Your satisfaction is guaranteed. If you are dissatisfied with our study materials for any reason, you may return them to us for a full refund (less shipping costs) within 30 days of your purchase.
hrcp products
Preparing for an HR certification exam can be overwhelming, but with careful planning, you can achieve your goals.
The HRCP study materials are carefully updated each year to reflect changes in the field of human resource management. We pay particular attention to changes in the legal environment.
We have been providing comprehensive HR certification study materials for nearly 30 years and have helped more than 100,000 individuals successfully prepare for their exams.
The HRCP study materials are available in a Print Edition, an Online Edition, and a combined Print AND Online Edition. The content is the same, but the format is catered to your needs. The materials include books, flashcards, practice exams, and a Guide for Successful Exam Preparation.
You can bundle an exam voucher with your study materials. Exam vouchers are valid for one year from the date of purchase. Save $$ when you bundle the exam voucher with your study materials.
See what our customers are saying
I wanted to take a moment and say thank you! I passed the SPHR exam on my first try using the HRCP study program.I used all three components of the program which included the books, flashcards and tests. I selected the HRCP program based on overall value. It was significantly less expensive than other comprehensive study programs and it offered a money back guarantee! Thanks again!
- Steve T.
I just took the SPHR exam for the first time and passed! I am writing to thank you because the manner in which the text is written is easy to comprehend. It is my hope that even in this economy, with the SPHR certification, I will be offered a great employment opportunity! Thank you for your support in my achievement!
- Christine E.
Your satisfaction is guaranteed. If you are dissatisfied with our study materials for any reason, you may return them to us for a full refund (less shipping costs) within 30 days of your purchase.
We are so certain that using the HRCP study materials will prepare you to pass the SPHR exam, we will give you your money back if you don’t pass. Here is how to qualify:
- Purchase the HRCP study materials for the SPHR exam directly from HRCP.
- Read and study all units, along with the online Guide for Successful Exam Preparation.
- Complete all required practice exams with a score of 80% or higher. You can retake them as needed.
Take the SPHR exam. If you don’t pass and you meet the requirements, we will refund the purchase price of the HRCP materials.
Visit our site for complete details and requirements.
Your satisfaction is guaranteed. If you are dissatisfied with our study materials for any reason, you may return them to us for a full refund (less shipping costs) within 30 days of your purchase.
The SPHR® is designed for HR professionals with strategic and policy-making backgrounds and for individuals who are accountable for HR department goals, planning and executing business strategies while understanding the organization’s overall HR needs. They are typically responsible for planning rather than implementing HR policy.
SPHR Eligibility:
To be eligible for the SPHR you must meet one of the following conditions for education and/or experience:
- Have at least four years of experience in a professional-level HR position and a master’s degree or higher
- Have at least five years of experience in a professional-level HR position and a bachelor’s degree
- Have at least seven years of experience in a professional-level HR position
Why use the HRCP study materials to prepare for the SPHR exam?
- The materials are comprehensive, relevant, and cover the entire HR body of knowledge.
- The content is revised and updated every year.
- The materials are available in both print and online formats.
- The online version includes an audio reader.
- The flashcards can help you review terms and definitions.
- The online practice exams help to assess your exam readiness.
- Study schedules help keep you on track.
- Our partners offer HR certification preparation courses.
- We have been providing HR certification study materials since 1995.
- Our main author served on the HRCI Board of Directors for eight years.
- Our staff takes the exams on a regular basis to ensure our materials cover what is being tested on the exams.
- The HRCP materials have helped more than 100,000 test-takers successfully prepare for their HR certification exams.
See what our customers are saying
I wanted to share that I passed my exam today! HRCPs material is on point and I highly recommend it! Is so thorough and you really don't know how helpful it is until you're sitting for the exam! Thank you! I'm so incredibly happy!
- Erica M.
I used the self-study schedule and passed on the first try!! The practice tests I believe helped the most prepare you for what you experience! So happy I chose HRCP as my preparation materials!
- Tana C.
HRCP is all that is needed! I read the material, did the online quizzes and of course coupled with practical experience I was able to succeed! Thank you again HRCP! I have recommended your materials to others.
- Francis J.
Your satisfaction is guaranteed. If you are dissatisfied with our study materials for any reason, you may return them to us for a full refund (less shipping costs) within 30 days of your purchase.
ORDER NOW!Benefits Of
By obtaining a certification in human resources, you demonstrate that you have the knowledge and skills vital to success in human resource management.
Benefits Include:
• International recognition and personal accomplishment:
You will be distinguished as an HR professional with sufficient
experience and knowledge to pass a comprehensive certification exam
based on the vast body of knowledge that comprises the human resource
• Career opportunities and employment advantages:
You’ll join more than 500,000 HR professionals in 100 countries
who have obtained an HR certification. Certification is increasingly
recognized as an essential standard for HR managers; many companies
already limit employment to those who are certified professionals.
• Higher salary and greater career satisfaction:
A recent study found that certified HR professionals often receive
higher salaries, report higher career satisfaction, have greater
potential for promotions, and are more likely to be employed full-time
in comparison with those not certified.
Achieving HR certification is an investment in your career that can pay off in many ways.
Your satisfaction is guaranteed. If you are dissatisfied with our study materials for any reason, you may return them to us for a full refund (less shipping costs) within 30 days of your purchase.
ORDER NOW!HR Certification Preparation
Time and Methods
The second step in your certification journey is to determine when to take your exam and how long you will need to prepare for it.
Your work experience, education level, study time, and test-taking skills, will determine how much time to dedicate to studying for the SPHR certification exam.
Preparing for the SPHR exam typically takes 100-150 hours over three to four months.
We provide study schedules to help plan out your study time and keep you on track.
The third step in your certification journey is to determine whether to do self-study or to enroll in a preparation course. Deciding how to prepare for your HR certification exam can be a tough decision. Some people prefer to study alone, while others like the mutual support of a group. Here are the benefits of each:
We work with dozens of organizations that offer HR certification prep courses in various formats, including:
- Face-to-face
- Online Instructor-led
- Online Self-paced
- Hybrid
- Accelerated
- Intensive Bootcamps
- Refresher/Review Sessions
- Test-taking workshops
These courses provide:
- Experienced instructors
- Access to helpful knowledge from other group members
- Support and encouragement from peers
- Structured study schedule
Find available courses by exam, delivery type, and location.
Free Sample Test
Still trying to decide if
HR certification is the right
thing for you?
Let us help!
Take our free 20-Question Sample Test! It is easy to access - just create a user account and the test will be automatically added. When you are done, it will be graded for you, so you can see how you did.
Our practice exams are an excellent way to evaluate your readiness for the exam and identify weak areas you should revisit.
Answering practice questions will be a vital part of your preparation for the HR certification exam. Practice exams are a valuable tool to help you evaluate your exam readiness. The practice exams included with the HRCP study materials will help you develop the confidence you need to tackle the exam.
CREATE ACCOUNTSee what our customers are saying
Thank you for the practice tests. I passed my exam this past Saturday and I couldn't have done it without your help!
- Kimberly C.
I could not have been happier with my purchase. The content, practice exams, quizzes were all I needed to pass on the first try.
- Nicole B.
Used this program and passed my exam today! The materials are top notch, you just have to put in the time to study. The practice tests were extremely helpful.
- Beth B.
Since 1995 we have helped more than 100,000 HR professionals successfully prepare for their HR certification exams. Our customers range from new college graduates to senior level professionals. They represent all industries from small to large organizations.
Please contact us if you have questions or need additional information.